24 Apr 2019

The secret of The Vedas वेदरहस्य

Based on notes of  a lecture by Dr Narendra Joshi

The Secret of the Vedas

By Sri Aurobindo


Western minds searched for sociology, economy, Aryan invasion myth in it.
Created permanent damage
Even great Indian like Tilak said Aryan was a race and they came from outside: such is the deep rooted divide.
Fortunately, modern era some seers appeared again like Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo and they SAW the Vedas. Their writings are thus very important for us.
The words have two meanings : apparent and mystic. For common people and for deserving initiates.
The Symbolic age when everything was symbolic
The Seer or Drashta was a : Priest   seer  teacher :
Does it have Science  yes:  astronomy, medicine, for sure but other parts  difficult to prove.
Word are not constructed , they are evolved : Words like plants, animals are living growths of sound with certain seed words as their basis.
Seed word or root word have like living beings their   tribes clans families
Initially nerves created words : ie  Agni and Vayu
Not intellect   Indra
General characteristics and quality Guna

With number of applications and possible significances
Finally idea becomes all important and sound is secondary
Shlesh     idea (N) = ONE     word                words (N)= ONE  idea
Later in intellect period and non precision abundance was lost and made precise.
Vruk  tearer or wolf   
Dhenu  Nourisher,  fosterer cow

RIG VEDA   is one in all its parts (all 10 mandalas have same substance ideas and images
Ext    Kratu   action, works of sacrifice         psych power effect of action i.e. will
Sravas     hearing fame                                               revealed knowledge inspiration
Drishti   seeing sight                                                   revelation  
Namas  bending down, prostrate                            inward prostration, surrender to deity

Agni :   Not physical heat and light : symbol of sacrificial fire
Has double aspect of force and light : power that has perfect knowledge
Jatvedas     knower of past births
                     Gods have established Agni as immortal in mortals The divine power within man – energy of fulfillment through which they do their work in him.
This work is symbolized by sacrifice. He is both Satyam and Rhitam
Communication between mortal and immortal medium  Dut
Mortal can become immortal
Agni shines out in the sacrifices. He is the guardian of the Truth. Of the Ritam, increases in his own home – Truth vast
Opening 4 verses (p68)
1)     Truth Consciousness supramental and divine
2)     Invocation of the gods as powers of the truth to raise man out of the falsehoods of the mortal mind
3)     The attainment in and by this truth of an  immortal state of perfect  god and felicity and the inner sacrifice and offering of what one has & is by the mortal to the Immortal as the means of the divine consummation.
All the rest of the Vedic thought in its spiritual aspects is grouped around these central conceptions.
Daksha  will and discernment
Dakshina  female form of Daksha

Four faculties of Truth Consciousness
Ila         Truth Vision revelation
Saraswati             Truth  Audition inspiration Divine word
Sarama        Intuition
Dakshina      Separative  Intuitional discrimination

Indra Mind Power    Indriya    Swar Sur Surya
 Pir..     Hurt Injure   Pishacch, Devil

Vayu   =Prana or Life energy
Indra = Mind
Invite to partake Soma wine= divine delight of being Ananda
powers of the Truth:
Varun= Destroys all enemies and hurters      Mitra= purified judgement
Ghru: clarified butter   bright sprinkle   bright activity of brain power  = Medha
Varun is also Power of wideness and purity : destroyer of all that limits and hurts
Mitra : Love Joy and Harmony


*The Mahavakyas are:
1.  prajñānam brahma - "Consciousness is Brahman" (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3  of the Rig Veda)
2.  ayam ātmā brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman" (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda))
3.  aham brahmāsmi - "I am Brahman" (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda)
4.  tat tvam asi - "Thou art That" (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of the Sama Veda))
Etymolgoy: Mahavakyas; (sing.: mahāvākya, महावाक्य; plural: mahāvākyāni, महावाक्यानि)

That excellence is this you
tat tvam asi - "Thou art That"


That excellence is this me
aham brahmāsmi - "I am Brahman"

That excellence is this consciousness

prajñānam brahma - "Consciousness is Brahman"

That excellence is this self

ayam ātmā brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman"

Model is by Sri G. Narayana

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