9 Dec 2021

The Time Spirit: Kal, the evolution of consciousness, Chaturyuga sankalpana and the synchronous movements of events and people in Time:


Evolution of Consciousness through ages in Indian spiritual history and culture with Her influence on the rest of the world:

The Time Spirit: Kal, the evolution of consciousness and the synchronous movements of events and people in Time:



The actual duration of yugas is still controversial. However, here we are taking the more human side of it to begin with. Any mathematical equation, geometric model or chronological way is insufficient to understand the zig zag, nonlinear and complex way in which Nature evolves. However such model helps us to trace those lines and with new nonlinear mathematics and fractals it has become more feasible. Here the model of four yugas,expanding spiral, fibonacchi series and self recursive patterns is combined to see that it seems fitting well in the known history of mankind and India. This is also proved  scientifically by some enlightened yogis like Sri Yukteshwar Giri in his famous work The Holy Science and endorsed by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev. The approximate length of yugas is mentioned to be as follows:

·        Satya Yuga—4800 years

·        Treta Yuga—3600 years

·        Dvapara Yuga—2400 years

·        Kali Yuga—1200 years


















This results in descent of 12000 years and ascent of 12000 years which together gives a 24,000 year one cycle of the rising spiral. The next cycle starts on a higher and shifted position as datum resulting in expansion and elevation with each cycle. The whole model can be seen as four yugas in descent as devolution and four yugas in ascent as Evolution. Each transforms contains and transcends the earlier stage and thus is like a series of 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…which is having each element as addition of previous element and rise above. This we know is a Fibonacci series in mathematics and is having a golden ratio Phi of 1.618 which is repeated from tiny shell design to the mighty galaxies. This repetition of same pattern or design from atom to galaxies from shell to human to trees to galaxies is Indian genius of saying that microcosm and macrocosm are one, Yat pinde tat Brahmande.  

Now there is also a chronology as given in Puranas and endorsed by some scholars

Satya Yuga = 4800 × 365 = 1,752,000 years

Treta Yuga = 3600 × 365 = 1,314,000 years

Dvapara Yuga = 2400 × 365 = 876,000 years

Kali Yuga = 1200 × 365 = 438,000 years






Thus the Kali Yuga would last for roughly 438,000 years after the end of the Dwapara Yuga (3102 BCE). This is also possible as each human year was multiplied by 365 for getting a Divine year. There is no debate in the two as one is smaller pattern and other larger pattern of the same self-recursive pattern repeating itself infinitely. The value of 24,000 years fits to the modern astronomical calculation of one full precession of the equinox, which takes 25,772 years.

The 4 Yugas together constitute 1 Maha Yuga (Chatur Yuga) =  43,20,000 years (4.32 million years)

1,000 such Maha Yugas (i.e 4.32 million years X 1,000) = 43,20,000,000 years (4.32 billion years) makes 1 KALPA or “1 day of Brahma” and Each Kalpa is divided into 14 Manvantaras with each Manvantara headed by a Manu. Each Manvantara consists of 71.4 Chatur Yugas. 14 such Manvantara cycles adds up to 1 Kalpa. Adding a 4.32 billion years  “night of Brahma” gives a total of 8.64 billion years (which is very close to the modern scientific belief of earth age of 7.5 to 8 billion. The oldest rocks on Earth found to date are the Acasta Gneiss in northwestern Canada which are 4.03 billion years old. The rocks older than 3.5 billion years are found in all continents including India …..

vedic time

The expansion from 1 to 365 is not unusual nor self-repeating recursive fractal like  pattern from  microcosm to macrocosm. It is simple multiverses or many universes or lokas existing in elevation in hierarchy of wholes. The image is of inverted banyan tree or Ashwattha in Gita and in the Upanishads. It is complex structure and levels n layers which we visit in dreams or in deep sleep and retract after death but yogi is able to see them all as real and explain them.







“There is a physical world, a vital world, a mental world, a psychic world, and many spiritual worlds, a whole range of more and more subtle worlds approaching nearer and nearer to the Supreme. So, since you carry within yourself a corresponding range, by studying and becoming aware of your inner being you gradually make yourself capable of becoming aware also of these invisible worlds. For example, the mind: if the mind is conscious, coordinated, well controlled, it can move about it in the mental world just as the body does in the physical world and see what this mental world is like, what is going on there, what are its characteristics and so on. These things are not invisible in themselves − they are invisible to the physical consciousness and the physical senses, but not to the corresponding inner states of consciousness or the corresponding inner senses. For, by a systematic development one can acquire senses in these worlds and one can then live a similar life with different characteristics. I mean that one can live an objective life in these worlds if one is sufficiently developed oneself. Otherwise, they wouldn’t exist for us. If we did not carry in ourselves something corresponding to all that exists in the universe, this universe wouldn’t exist for us. And it is only a matter of systematic and methodical development.” ( The Mother )




















Higher worlds




The triple worlds which embody the principles of Existence(Sat), Consciousness(Chit), Ananda(Bliss)

Supramental world

The power which creates and upholds manifestation.

Dividing Line

Golden Lid

This is the dividing line, the golden lid, between the Higher worlds and the Lower worlds.

Lower worlds

Overmental World

The world of the Cosmic Powers (Gods), all aspects of the Divine.

Mental Worlds

The Universal Mind which is the channel for telepathy, the storehouse of our thoughts, the record of world history.

Vital Worlds

The region which influences our creative endeavours as well as our lusts and desires.

Physical worlds

Example is the Earth, a place for evolution.


Repository of all dead thoughts and formations.


Region of inconscience


According to Nolini Kanta Gupta, “All that has happened upon earth, everything from the beginning of creation till now, everything without exception has been recorded somewhere in some particular world or region of consciousness. All that man has thought, his researches and discoveries, his findings and conclusions are kept intact, carefully stored. If you want to know anything of the past history of the earth, the happening at a particular time and place, you have simply to transplant yourself into that world and look into the records…It is a very curious place, something like a vast library. It consists of an infinite number of cells, as it were, each containing all information on a particular subject. They seem to be squares in shape and they remain closed normally. If you have to consult a particular square, you press a button and it opens and out of it comes a roll of written matter. You unroll it and find out what you want. There are millions and millions and millions of these cells and rolls, around, above, every-where.”





11502 BC was when Sat yuga descending curve started which lasted for 4800 years i.e. upto 6702 BC. It was Autumnal Aquinox and Aries plus Aquarius.

The age of Truth, of Sri Krishna , the age of Spirit.

Here the intuitions and higher planes of mind were prevailing over the lower, the intuitive outbursts, the lofty galactic visions and Ritasya pantha: the path of righteousness envisioned by spiritual and intuitive higher minds were dominating rational.  It was the age of the Kutastha Chaitanya, the Supramental Consciousness, an age of a Spiritual master and in that sense rule of Brahmana. He is having as disciple Kshatriya who is vitally and intellectually at times more powerful and yet completely  obeying the higher mind. The Age of Spirit is thus the age of Sri Krishana , the Sat yuga and is the age of Maheshwari. Wisdom is the power that rules here.

That is why we have some of the oldest and inspired literature like the Vedas and the Upanishads which is believed to be started in this time and continued for several centuries thereafter.

Four times India conquered the world as per Sisir Kumar Mitra: First was this age, The Veda, Post epics, then was Greek Roman, Buddha and Vaishnava influence, Third was  Arab and then Mughal, fourth was through British. Out of that this was the first conquering of the world. India always conquered through her spirituality not with sword or deceit. Like a gentle dew which falls in early morning silently and yet results in blossoming of roses is the contribution of India to the world. The luminous seed was in the Vedas which later got repeatedly redefined as per Time spirit.

The Time of Supramental descent followed by overmental descent, Psychic being and Head or Brahmana in the image of Virat Purusha.

By 6702 BC Descending Treta started and took next 3600 years   i.e. till 3102 BC.  Ramayana was part of Treta yuga and Maryada Purushottam Sri Ram was the king, this followed by Mahabharata.  By 3000 BC as per new excavations is Mahabharata war as well as Indus Valley civilization. This is age of Balarama where Kshatriya were ruling but as per Dharma. The age of Mahakali. When Strength was the power which ruled. That is why there is pride of clan, prestige to be dharmarakshak Raja, and strategies and wars if need be to destroy the evil and to protect the righteous. This was mental age or age of Dharma when Capricorn and Sagittarius were there. We see a developed urbanization, republics, well led rules by the spiritual order and an exemplary idea about perfection of man in a perfect society which was a spiritually impregnated decentralized democracy with a dharma rakshak or righteousness protecting king, and many such kings supporting a Chakravarti king. A Samrat was to be Swarat first i.e. a sovereign of his own mind and self before he could aspire to be Samrat or an emperor.

‘The mind of ancient India  did not err when it traced back all its philosophy, religion, and essential things of its culture to the seer poets of the Upanishads, for all the future spirituality of her people is contained there in seed or its first expression.’ (Sri Aurobindo) 

 ‘One might almost say that ancient India was created by the Vedas and the Upanishads and that the visions of the inspired seers made a people.’ (Sri Aurobindo) 


By 3102 BC Descending Dwapara started and it lasted till 702 BC.  Dwapara is age of Vaishya now both Kshatriya and Brahmin don’t dominate, it is the business man, the artist, the creator and wealth generator who rule the society. This is the age of Pradyumna. Also considered as Electrical age or age of energy as it is the Vital now which rules not intellect or spirit as in earlier ages. It is the Vital that dominates and Harmony and Beauty are the powers. This is also the age of Mahalakshmi.

Here are two different chronologies prevailing apart thoroughly colonial and now discarded idea of pulling Vedic age as close as to 0 AD in order to diminish the importance of pre Christian religions.

As per one which Sisir Kumar Mitra has given is 3000 BC Mohenjodaro and Vedic age and 1800 BC Mahabharata. This is also supported by archeological findings and he mentions Dr. R.D. Banerjee in support of this.

However, as per even more recent archeological and other findings the age of Vedas seems to be minimum 6000 BC or more and may be it was added later throughout time till 3000 BC or even later. And thus age of Mahabharata war is 300 BC and so is Mohenjodaro, Harappa civilizations by 3000 BC.

This second fits better with Age of Spirit and Satya Treta yuga theories and 

  Manu Vaivaswata-  Ikshwaku- solar race with Mithila capital.

Pururava dynasty from Ila who was daughter of Manu. Sagra regained Ayodhya, his great grandson Bhagirataha  followed by Raghu, Aja, Sasharath and Ram .This line is line of Dharma.

‘The work of Valmiki has been the agent of almost incalculable power in the moulding of the cultural mind of India.’

With sandhi kal of 200 years in beginning and at the end we have a 200 years, 400 years, 600 years  and 800 years  time for Kali, Dwapar and Treta  and the Satya part of the descending  Dwapara followed by   200 years of sandhi kal giving us milestones as follows:

2902 BC,  2702 BC, 2302 BC, 1702 BC, 902 BC, 702 BC are main milestones in it.

It was the time when  (by 2800 BC ) Pyramids were built in Egypt.  It is now said that the mummies were wrapped in cloth traded from India. The work of extraordinary vision, geometrical knowledge and precision in architecture and trading  shows the seamless interchange of knowledge and goods from India to the middle Asia and Europe. It also shows that it was Vaishya who was dominant in India with such prowess and power exercise internationally through the help of Kshatriya who generally was same or was dependent on Vaishaya.

By 2356 BC Yao empire ruled in China with Silk culture. In 1998 to almost 1700 BC when Shang /Yin dynasty ruled. Till 2100 BC Theban empire ruled in Egypt. In 2100 BC city of Babylon was made and so was temple of Luxar and Karnak. In 1925 BC Hitties destroyed Babylon. ?

(Proto-Elamite: c. 3200 – c. 2700 BC (Proto-Elamite script in Susa)

Old Elamite period: c. 2700 – c. 1500 BC (earliest documents until the Sukkalmah Dynasty)

Middle Elamite period: c. 1500 – c. 1100 BC (Anzanite dynasty until the Babylonian invasion of Susa)

Neo-Elamite period: c. 1100 – 540 BC (characterized Assyrian and Median influence. 539 BC marks the beginning of the Achaemenid period.) )

1900 BC – Hittites Old Kingdom in Anatolia

1800 BC – civilization in Canaan

1800 to 1200 BC – the emergence of the city of Ugarit when it ruled a coastal kingdom, trading with Egypt, Cyprus, the Aegean, Syria, the Hittites, and others


Till 1100 BC also clear indications of village republics is seen in India and her subcontinents.

By 1100 Palestine emerged,  Saul king of Israel, David on 100 and Solomon in 977 BC ruled.

In 1102 Chou dynasty in Korea.

In 1000 BC Homer wrote Iliad and Odyssey.

By 800  BC Greek cities of Athens and Sparta were dominant and in 753BC Rome was built.


After 702 BC was beginning of  Descending Kali and this is the dark age. Also called the age of matter or conventions, iron age : here the Shudra or the labour, the hands on worker dominates. Aniruddha is the leader.

In other words, it is age of Maha Saraswati. It is the physical that dominates and demands Perfection.

So till first 100 years is Sandhikal, then divisions of 400, 300, 200, 100 years for Satya, Treta, Dwapar and kali part of Descending kali. And the end again a 100 years of sandhikal.

Hence, 702 BC, 602 BC, 502 BC, 302 BC, 0 , 400 AD, 498 AD were the milestones in it.

During this time famous grammarian Panini lived (702 BC) and laid foundation of the Sanskrit Language which became vehicle to transmit some of the finest ideas to the mankind.

In 700 BC Assyrians conquered Babylon, by 612 BC Aryans destroyed them is a record. In 700 BC Zarturashtra was born and brought new ray of spirituality.

By 600 BC small yamato state with legendary emperor Jimm Tenno ruled..

A great outburst and power of Spirit seems to have taken over the land of India and even rest of the earth then.

620-640 BC Buddha, the Tathagat, the Light of Asia lived, and his preaching, later coined as Buddhism influence and continue to do so for not just Idia for the major part of the world. By 467 BC another great Dharma samsthapak Lord Mahavira came and established Jainism. Both were Prince by birth but renounced the Kshatriya ness and embraced Samnyasa.


In 513 BC Lao Tse, Confucious and by same time say 570 BC Pythagorus lived. Thales father of Greek Philosophy existed this time ?

Y 500 BC Roman republic was in power and marathon war happened ? This time around 480 Bc was golden time for Greece with Socrates, Plato, Pindar? Pericles ? lived and made fundamental contribution in thought .


From 600 BC both in Greeks Roman and in India and China we see positive spiritual outbursts. Which later got repercussions in all other fields for the next 1000 years as seen in the golden era of India. In the words of Nolini Kanta Gupta  "Augustan Age" is  a particular period in a nation's history when its creative power is at its highest both in respect of quantity and quality, In such times  masses, large collectivities live on the crest of their consciousness, feeling and thinking. They are culturally equipped to think deeply and nobly, act and create powerfully, have intensity of aspiration, spreading all around something not too common. This is the time of one of the earlier outflowerings of the human genius Individuals come on the stage of life each with a special mission and role in various ages and various countries. He is Rudra and his mission is to break the old outdated moulds and lay down foundation of the new dawn. In human cycle it is Individual age rediscovering age of symbols or Age of spirit. These are great men of action, great men of thought, creative artists or spiritual and religious teachers. Who are  in India called Vibhutis and Avataras and such are the men of heroic mould who lead the tamasic collectivity to collective manifestation and an upsurge when a whole race or nation is raised to a higher level of consciousness, of  living and achievement.

The Periclean Age in Greece saw the light— grace, harmony, sweet reasonableness—its precursor was Homer, a solitary peak, it was perhaps an announcement, not the realisation of the national glory. As Greece withdrew, the stage was made clear for Rome. Julius Caesar took Roman genius to its summit: which was carried forward by his successors.

Greece and Rome show two types of elevation or crest-formation of human consciousness—one of light, the other of power. Light is  the play of intelligence, understanding, knowledge, a fresh outlook and consideration of the world and things, a flood of light poured upon the mind and intellect a wide and alert consciousness: the scientific outlook, in the broadest sense: it is the threshold of the modern epoch of humanity. So each European language attaining its definitive form and full-blooded individuality and art and literature flooded in most prolific creativeness in all nations

These larger human movements are anonymous though they throw up great aspiring souls, strong men of action, but in essence they are anonymous. An Augustus, a Pericles, a Leo X, a Louis XIV, or a Vikramaditya are just nucluei, centres of reference round which their respective epoch crystallises,  they are rather organisers. A Buddha, a Christ or a Mohammed are truly creators: as bring down some some truth, some dynamic revelation—realise and live a particular principle of being, a unique mode of consciousness—which becomes a new gift to earth and mankind.


400 BC Pallava s were dominant in south. In 336 BC Alexander defeated Darius and ended Persian rule. Empire of Darius extended upto Sindhu, Persians conquered Greeks?

400 BC silk was exported from China, Chin dynasty


By 321 BC Chandragupta and Chanakya established Maurya Dynasty. Alexander attacked and was defeated. Pataliputra was capital.

This is perhaps where age of Dharma ended and Age of classical achievements started (around 200 BC ) as per Sisir Kumar Mitra.

India’s soul in its progressive march was enriched by its experiences in age of Dharma, and in later age broadened its greater self in a more perfect outer form. ..’It is perhaps for the future India, taking up and enlarging with more completer aim, a more comprehensive experience, a more certain knowledge that shall reconcile life and the spirit, her ancient mission….’ To ensure that collective being realise their divine deeper spiritual nature. And potentialities as an evolving soul of Virata Purusha.  ( SKM p70)

Something in that line started with Ashoka who tried to bring back the Dharma rajya, albeit through Buddhism this time, and took it not just across India but to far off lands.


The classical age is a period of logical philosophy, of science, of art and the developed crafts, law, politics, trade, colonization, the great kingdoms and empires with their ordered and elaborate administration, the minute rule of the shastras in all departments of thought and life, an enjoyment of all that is brilliant, sensuous, agreeable, a discussion of all that could be brought into the compass of intelligence and practice- the most splendid, sumptuous and imposing millennium of Indian Culture.’ (Sri Aurobindo) ( SKM p71)


268 BC Ashoka the great, 220 BC growth of Andhra power,

150 BC was Patanjali with his Yogasutra, from SW people settled in Rajputana,

100 BC were Kushan Buddhist Turkey invaders who became one with India soon, from 100 BC to 300 AD they ruled with Peshawar as capital. Kanishka ruled from 78 -101 AD.

It was in this time that Buddhism

100 BC was also Pallava rule, they spread Buddhism, conquered Malaya and trade was also at pick.

By 100 BC printing was invented in China. In 53 BC Parthians defeated Romans, civil war broke in Italy and slave revolt in Rome. Caeser was killed


0 AD Jesus was born in Nazareth. Buddhism had conquered South east Asia, China and influenced Middle Asia Europe as well. There is also a school of thought which links Jesus his training in Buddhism and stay in India. In either case, the deep influence of Buddhism on Christianity is undeniable. 

By this time Buddhism was divided in Mahayana and Hinayana. In Mahayana was bhakti and Yoga further detailed to the utmost possibilities. The Tantrik influence came later. Nagarjuna was most notable in this time. Cholas ruled in 1st AC on wards for 400 years. Till 7th Ad when Pandyas reigned. Sangam tradition was made popular again. As per Megasthenes pandyas were ruled by a queen. Indian culture ruled in Ceylon, Burma, Malaya, Chidambaram temple iconic Nataraja image is from this period. Satavahan were notable in this time, for three centuries they ruled as lords of the Dakshin path. Followed by Vakatak, Pallav in Kanchi. Pallavas brought huge monolithic temples Ratha example is Mammlapuram.

Zenob Syrian Writer in 3rd AD wrote that Vaishnavism and Buddhism influenced Christianity. (Sisir Kumar Mitra)

300 /400 AD was Gupta empire, the Renaissance age or Golden age of India when Chandragupta II or Vikramaditya reigned with his Navratnas.  The eternal dream of creating a perfect man in a perfect society. Kalidas, Bharavi, Vishakhadatta, emerged in this time with royal patronage. Takshashila and Nalanda were great universities of global repute.

Tribhanga images, the celestial art in Ajanta and Ellora is from this period. Art was a way to Yoga. It flourished on all aspects, Sculptures, painting, Architecture, dance, music, drama, .. a shilpin or an artist in general was also yogin, new mantras and shastras and was living a life of tapas. As art was not just for entertainment or decoration but for spiritual experience for creator as well as viewer.   

By 306 AD Constantine ruled.

By 221 AD Han dynasty fell in China, Yamato in Japan expands.

In 450 AD there was Hun invasion in India. Same time barbaric attacks on Rome. Also by Goth, Gauls around 400 AD.

There was age of Intellect and then Vital. Age of Dharma and then shastra or conventions. This was Prana Life and nerves and heart in case of Virat Purusha.


Then came the ascending Kali yuga: Again age of Aniruddha , Maha Saraswati, The dark age, age of Matter and Shudra . But also age of consolidation, of spiritualizing matter, making strong legs and hands to progress and carry ideas of a higher intellect and spirit.

From 498 AD to 598 AD was Sandhi kal. This was followed by 100,200, 300, 400 years of four parts as usual and so the milestones were 698 AD,  898 AD, 1198 AD, 1598 AD, Then is Sandhi kal of 100 yrs, and it ended at 1698  AD

Till 500 AD Roman empire continued till it became weak after Barbaric /Hun attacks. In 527-565 AD Justinian revived it ?

By 500 AD Indian Hindu states reached up to China, Bodhidharma reached China,


MIhirgul Hun also called Milind, 510-598 AD, Bodhidharma left India and settled in China. By 550 AD Chalukya empire in south. Pulkeshin was prominent. In 600 AD Vardhan rule and Harsha Vardhan was most popular. In north Kanuj was capital. Huein tseng visited in 630 AD. Brahmagupta evolved decimal system,

Growth in many fields like Gupta period made it another golden pick.

Also were Pulakeshin. In Bengal Pal dynasty was most prolonged and illustrious. They took Tantra, Sahajiya and Mahayana paths ahead. Gurjars and Chandela Rajputs in west were most notable. Konark, Khajurao, are pinnacles of this age in artistic achievements perhaps. Shikhar, Gopur, Mantapam were different styles of Temples created. In every way they were ‘… altars raised to divine self, a house of cosmic spirit. ‘(Sri Aurobindo) Again here the layout of temple resembled human body and chakras and which again resembled to cosmology and different lokas or planes of consciousness.

Adi Shakti worship is seen right from prehistoric, Vedic and in Mohenjodaro, Harappan age, in Epics and Puranas. There was worship of Divine energy Shakti to release massive creative energy of people.

In around 600 AD with birth of Mohammad in Mecca brought the religion of Islam to the world. In 632 AD was his flight to Madina. From 632 to 670 was the aggressive islam when Arabs captured Persia Egypt and central Asia. By 618 China conquered Korea, Tangs drove Turks west, communication and trade by road and by sea was at peak. Chinese Tang extended to North to Capsian Sea. Name of Yamato was changed to Nippon? Kyoto was capital.

By 710 AD Arabs reached Baluchistan and Sindh conquered By 800 AD Ajanta and Ellora was created. Rashtrakuta Chalukya in middle and south, and Chola in south reigned. Rajaraja Chola is most illustrious Samrat this time.  Pallavas were overshadowed?

Shukracharya Nitisar was written by 900 AD and spread far and wide. 

IN 9th AD the Vedic dharma was reestablished primarily by the efforts of Adishankara. He established four dhams in four corners of India, made several voyages and intellectual debates with others, won them by heart and his prowess and vision and wrote commentaries on prasthan trayi i.e. The Upanishads, Gita and Brahmasutra. In a very small life on the earth he achieve massive thing. His Advaita was major influencer later. Which is may wrongly associated with Mayavad or Brahman is truth and the existence of the world is myth philosophy. In a way this paved way to the negation of matter and degeneration of Indian culture by overemphasis on the transcendent at the cost of the Immanent. The fine harmony of the two as in Vedic and Upanishadic age which was  preserved to the best possible extent till then got jeopardized.  This was further aggravated by the barbaric attacks from invaders especially middle east and rise of aggressive, intolerant, iconoclastic Islamic invaders which was diametrically opposite to ideas of Indian culture.

‘Civilization can never remain safe if ….’ (Sri Aurobindo) Adi Shankara was followed by Ramanuja and Madhwa, who propagated Dwaita and Vishistha dwaita.

By 860 AD there was decline of Arab empire. Charlemagne was emperor of the west and established Holy Roman empire.

In 907 AD Yang dynasty in China ended and Sung starts the rule. Fujiwara takes charge in Japan by 960 AD.

In 962 AD Otto was king of the Holy Roman empire.

Both Pallavas in South and Pal in Bengal spearheaded and Indian culture spread to South East Asia.

The greatest monument of this age is in Indianised Kambuja in Angkor vat. Thus Age Classical  is considered from 2 AD to 10 AD by some scholars which falls in this period.  The largest religious edifice ever built by man. It has most impressive scenes from Ramayana and Mahbharata and Puranas engraved on stones , on bas reliefs, galleries. The influence of Mahyana Buddhism is distinct in monuments like Barabudur and Chandi Hasan. A century of remarkable achievements in literature and art, and also in material prosperity, trade and commerce. This was essential to prepare fr the next cycle of the age of spirit.  However that was not the destiny, nor was it possible as there was none who could envision that transition. When visionaries are not leading, the mediocres make the covers more important than contents, and conventions become more important than the truth.

In the classical age India competed her cycle of creative endeavors spiritually and materially equally progressive and balanced. After almost 3000 years of work it needed a repose, a pause, as if creative gap to overcome that continuous effort thought she never exhausted, not fulfilled and satisfied with every creation of heavenly perfection and beauty. It was 1000 years of all-round creation followed by another thousand odd years of replication of that in progressively diminishing original light and intuition but getting more exhaustive detailing and intellectual perfection.

There is progressively more and more Intellect and artistic work but if we see closely, not intuitive like original, more detailed, Opulence, details, plethora of creation: it is considered as Golden age but in reality it is alloyed copper age with gold plating. In fact, the progressive diminishing contact with luminous seed and prevalence of external conventions is root of degeneration. In both these Dwapar..part as said earlier Vaishya is prominent:  Pradyumna …Mahalakhsmi followed by Kali part in which Shudra is prominent which is Aniruddha or Maha Saraswati. Which means that which is in Kutastha and Sahasrara chakra came to intellect from there to heart and nerves, followed by spread to the hands and legs of Virata purusha. May not be as lofty as earlier, however, it is in this age that the eternal message of the Vedas progressively started getting spread horizontally to masses.

By centuries of training the masses are separated from the abstract spiritual truths by less thick a veil.

We can see after that initial sandhikal was over by 1000 years and from 10 AD onwards to 20th C AD is generally seen as degeneration, Dark age, what is conventionally known as kali age.. here reason also works as darkness and there is so much devolution that it is difficult to distinguish reason from ignorance. Ignorance prevails: Matter and inconscient with Vital dominates and even intellect and genius have to obey them.

But even this age is essential. Shudra is matter, the body that has to hold the next stage which is Supramental. Foundation must be strong: Shudra pado bhi jayate. Hat is why this age of Aniruddha: It is Mahasaraswati ; the perfection must be there in material form else idea will never get materialised for ALL the masses. We can see how this apparent fall also gather ed riches and was necessary for subsequent renaissance.  

The neglect of Kshtriya  due to extreme life negating preaching by Buddhist and Adavitins led to passing the baton from Kshatriya to Vaishya and then Shudra. There were continuous invasions and thus in a way age of convention is said to be also a Kurma nyay (Tortoise way) that is like a tortoise creating a tough kavach or shell of conventions, being secretive and pulling in all organs and knowledge so as to protect it. It resulted in los of earlier harmony, the balance of spirit and matter and then slowly resulting in degeneration, exploitation of downtrodden by the custodians of conventions who themselves had no idea what their predecessors have done by this shell of conventions. The loss of touch with innermost reality was to follow. However, India history and culture is unique in its infinite power of revival. Even in the fall it gathered riches. The fountains of spirituality and making spiritual realization core of earthly existence was still not lost from psyche of people and sages after sages appeared and revived the religion of Vedas in the nook and corner of India in this dark age as well. Both Bhakti and the Tantra took forward what Puranas had started. That is the materializing of the Spirit.

By 1000 AD Mahmud of Ghazani invaded, and continued that till 1025 in repeated raid especially on temple town. He demolished Somnath several times, which was erected again and again. Punjab got annexed by Mohammad.  Chola under Rajendra reached zenith as he spread to Ceylon and Burma. and took Indian culture to far off lands especially in South east Asia.

By 1040 AD Omar Khayyam lived and his poetry pervaded. From 1099 Ad Crusades started in 1147 Jerusalem won. In 1127 AD Tartars in North dictated..

In 1155 AD Chengiz Khan the barbaric cruel invader was born in Mongol.

By 1100 Ramanuja lived and gave a message of Vishista advaita which had this remarkable attempt of accepting mundane earthly life and beings as God and compassion and service for poor, and downtrodden. (1192 AD)

1191 Mohammad Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chohan and in 1192 he defeated Prithviraj opening gates of Delhi to the invader.

By 1192  Yoritomo established Komatsu Shotgun …?


By 1189 to 1202 AD crusades continued ( 3rd and 4th )

In 1215 AD Magna Carta historic event

21 April 1214 – Pope becomes England’s feudal overlord

Pope Innocent III accepts overlordship of England. This displaces King John from the pinnacle of the feudal hierarchy but in return secures much needed papal support for the king.

17 May 1215 – Barons capture Tower of London

The rebel barons capture the Tower of London, greatly strengthening their position in their struggle with King John.


15 June 1215 – Granting of Magna Carta

King John grants Magna Carta.

19 June 1215 – Peace is restored

The barons make formal peace with King John by renewing their oaths of allegiance to him.

24 June 1215 – Distribution of Magna Carta begins


1227 AD Chengiz Khan died and Mangu Khan followed by Kublai Khan (1260 AD) continued in China.

By 1200 Shahbuddin defeated Prithviraj Chauhan and Muslim rule in India started by that time. 1206 Qutubuddin became slave king of Delhi.

1212 AD was children’s crusade in Europe.

1228 AD - 1229 AD The Sixth Crusade is formed by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. It achieves through diplomacy Christian control of Jerusalem.


There was decline of Chola in south. Marco Polo visited India was mesmerized by Her glory. Pandyas led South.

During almost same time i.e. 1265 Ad Dante the great poet was born in Europe.

Allauddin became Sultan of Delhi 1296 AD.

Around this time, 1261 AD Greeks recaptured Constantine. Mongols were established in Russia, China and Europe had seamless deep interaction.

In 13th and 14th century, there was growth of European cities, Venice, Milan, etc.

During this time 1325 Ad Aztecs conquered Maya civilization in America. There was great plague in Europe.

By 1378 AD Taimur invaded and conquered central Asia, Ming dynasty reigned in China.

During this time India suffered her invasions further by far less civilized races and nations:

As Iban Batuta invaded around 1300 AD and Taimur raided in 1400 AD.

Around this time i.e. 1400 India reasserted by raising the flag of Vijaynagar empire where a sanyasi Vidyaranya inspired Harihar and Bukka to have rule of dharma and of the land defeating invaders. Bijapur also established in this time.

In 1498 AD Vasco d Gama visited Kalikat in southern shores of India. 

From 1467 to 1547 was civil war in japan.

In 1473 Ad Copernicus was born in Europe. In 1492 Columbus?

This was sign of age of reason and science at its peak. Aided and spread by aggressive vital courage and ego of conquering the rest of the world with trade and sword. The age of reason as seen in modern age in Europe was getting its first rays out.

By 1500 the religious and spiritual fervor reasserted with Guru Nanak dev in north and by 1528 Sri Chaitanya in Bengal taking path of devotion to the masses. In 1533 AD Babar won war at Panipat 1540 Sher Shah defeated Humayun. In 1560 to 70 was Akbar’s rise with defeat of Bijapur and Vijaynagar. Akbar no doubt was more thoughtful and civilized than his predecessors and successors as well. He brought some reforms, but he was not the answer to the wound of India, the foreign rule and exploitation of natives continued.

By 1564 AD Shakespeare was born in Europe.

1577 AD Francis Drake sale around the world.

By 1600 AD British East India Company was established. Dutch and English attacks on Portugese continued till 1623 AD when there was massacre of East India company staff.

Russian reached Pacific ocean.

Peter the great in Russia?

In 1605 Akbar died and was followed by his successors…In 1628 Shahajahan and 1658 Aurangajeb became emperors.

However, the real spark of Indianness which ignited in this period was Swarajya of Chatrapati Shivaji (1630-1680)

He also was inspired by spiritual gurus like Ramdas, and there were other whom paved way for this mass support for Shivaji by spiritual churning of the Dakkhan from Jnaneshwar, Eknath, Namdev, Tukaram, Janabai, etc.

In 1642 Louise XIV of France rules for 72 years. Holland and Swiss became independent.

From 1641 to 1853: Japan was closed for all foreigners.

In 1649 civil war broke in England: victory of parliament over king. The new dawn of people’s rule emerged.

1661 AD Emperor Kang Hi Manchu ruled for 72 years in China.


In the words of Nolini da :” The cosmic spirit works itself out in the world and in human affairs in either of these forms : (1) as embodied in a single personality and (2) as an impersonal movement, sometimes through many personalities, sometimes through a few outstanding personalities and sometimes even quite anonymously as a maps movement. Either mode has each its own special purpose, its function in the cosmic labour, its contribution to the growth and unfoldment of the human consciousness upon earth as a whole. Generally, we may say, when it is an intensive work, when it is a new truth that has to be disclosed and set in man's heart and consciousness, then the individual is called up and undertakes the work: when, however, the truth already somehow found or near at hand is to be spread wide and made familiar to men and established upon earth, then the larger anonymous movements are born and have sway.

Indeed, these movements, the appearance of great souls upon earth and the manifestation of larger collective surges in human society, are not isolated happenings, having no reference or point of contact with one another. On the contrary, they are two limbs of a global evolutionary process. In and through them across countries and centuries the spirit of humanity moves towards greater and greater fulfilment. Evolution means the growth of consciousness. In man in his collective existence the growth continues: it lies in two directions. First of all, in extension. A sufficiently large physical body is needed to house the growing life and consciousness: therefore the unicellular organism has developed into the multicellular. In the same way, in the earliest stages of human (Page 98) society, the light and power of consciousness, characteristic of that age, found expression among a few only: it was the age of representative individuals, leaders—Rishi, Magi, Patriarch, Judge, King. Next a stage came when the cultural consciousness widened and, instead of scattered individuals or some families, we have a large group, a whole class or section of society who become the guardian of the light: thus arose the Brahmin, the elite, the cultured class, the aristocracy of talents. The light and culture filters down further and embraces larger masses of people who take living interest and share in the creative activities of man, in the higher preoccupations of mind and thought; this is the age of enlightened bourgeoisie. In comparatively recent times what is familiarly known as the "middle class" was the repository and purveyor of human culture.

The light sinks further down and extends still more its scope seeking to penetrate and encircle the whole of humanity. The general mass of mankind, the lowest strata of society have to be taken in, elevated and illumined. That must be the natural and inevitable consummation of all progress and evolution. And that is the secret sense and justification of the Proletarian Revolution of today. Although, the many names and forms given to it by its violent partisans do not bring out or sufficiently honour the soul and spirit that informs it.

This then is the pattern of cultural development as it proceeds in extension and largeness. It moves in ever- widening concentric circles. Individuals, small centres few and far between, then larger groups and sections, finally vast masses are touched and moved (and will be moulded one day) by the infiltrating light. That is how in modern times all movements are practically world-wide, encompassing all nations and peoples: there seems to be nothing left that is merely local or parochial. It is a single wave, as it were, that heaves up the whole of humanity. Political, social, economic and even spiritual movements, although not exactly of the same type or pattern, all are interrelated, interlocked, inspired by a common breath and move from one end of the earth to the other. They seem to be but modulations of the same world- theme. A pulse-beat in Korea or Japan is felt across the Pacific in America and across that continent, traversing again (Page 99) the Atlantic it reaches England, sways the old continent in 1 its turn and once more leaps forward through the Asiatic vastnesses back again to its place of origin. The wheel comes , indeed full circle: it is one movement girdling the earth. What one thinks or acts in one corner of the globe is thought and acted simultaneously by others at the farthest corner. Very evidently it is the age of radiography and electronics.


To sum up then. Man progresses through cycles of crest movements. They mark an ever-widening circle of the descent of Light, the growth of consciousness. Thus there is at first a small circle of elite, a few chosen people at the top, then gradually the limited aristocracy is widened out into a larger and larger democracy. One may describe the phenomenon in the Indian terms of the Four Orders. In the beginning there is the Brahminic culture, culture confined only to the highest and the fewest possible select representatives. Then came the wave of Kshatriya culture which found a broader scope among a larger community. In India, after the age of the Veda and the Upanishad, came the age of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata which was pre-eminently an age of Kshatriya-hood. In Europe too it was the bards and minstrels, sages and soothsayers who originally created, preserved and propagated the cultural movement: next came the epoch of the Arthurian legends, the age of chivalry, of knights and templars with their heroic code of conduct and high living. In the epoch that followed, culture was still further broad-based and spread to the Vaishya order. It is the culture of the bourgeoisie: it was brought about, developed and maintained by that class in society preoccupied with the production or earning of wealth. The economic bias of the literature of the period has often been pointed out. Lastly the fourth dimension of culture has made its appearance today when it seeks to be coterminous with the proletariate. With the arrival of the Sudra, culture has extended to the very base of the social pyramid in its widest commonalty.

This movement of extension, looked at from the standpoint of intensiveness, is also a movement of devolution, of reclamation. The Brahminic stage represents culture that is knowledge; it touches the mind, it is the brain that is the recipient and instrument of the Light. The Kshatriya comes into the field when the light, the vibration of awakening, from the mind comes down into the vital energies, from the brain to the heart region. The Vaishya spirit has taken up man still at a lower region, the lower vital: the economic man that has his gaze fixed upon his stomach and entrails. Lastly, the final stage is reached when physical work, bodily labour, material service have attained supreme importance and are considered almost as the only values worth the name for a human being. To walk (Page 107) and work firmly upon Earth the Light needs a strong pair of feet. Therefore, the Veda says, Padbhyam sudro ajayata, out of the feet of the Cosmic Godhead the Sudra was born.

That is how man has become and is becoming integrally conscious—conscious in and of all parts of his being. He is awakening and opening to the light that descends from above: indeed the true light, the light of truth is something transcendent and it is that that comes down and slowly inhabits the world and possesses humanity. Its progress marks the steps of evolution. It means the gradual enlightening and illumining of the various layers of our being, the different strands of consciousness from the higher to the lower, from the less dense to the more dense, from mind to the body. It means also in the same process a canalisation, materialisation and fixing upon earth and in the physical being of the increasing powers of the Light.

The Light as it descends from its own home above to the lower levels of our being expresses itself no doubt in one way, but also gets diminished, modified, even deformed in another respect. The work of purification certainly goes on and until that is complete and there comes the fullest expression, it will continue. The action of light on the physical plane, for example, on the body of the Cosmic Being is so blurred and confusing apparently that it looks almost like the action of Darkness. And yet the Dark Night of the soul is not simply the obscurity of Ignorance. It is only the mud that lay' diffused or settled in the being which has come up in its gathered mass in the process of churning and cleaning and appears like an obscure screen. “



Ascending Kali yuga is followed by Ascending Dwapar yuga. The age of Maha Lakshmi, Pradyumana, the age of energy and Electric age. Vaishya rules again: the skilled craftsman and trader, businessman and entrepreneur.


Up to 1898 is 200 years Sandhi kal,

After Shivaji also Sambhaji, Tara bai and many fought, Aurangajeb could not win over in spite of spending years in Sahyadri i.e.  middle part of India and in 1707 died. This was sign of decline of Mughal empire.  

Spiritually ingrained Maratha Swarajya was India’s unique response to this age. Here the spiritual gurus like the age of Spirit gain inspired the Kshatriya king and took forward what Vijaynagar and before that Kautilya had done.

In 1730 AD Russo Turkish war took place.

Around 1650 to 1737 AD Marathas continued to dominate up to Delhi, Bangla and even North west frontiers upto Ataak? By this time Marathas dominated middle part of south and even north of India with attacks on Delhi, Attack in Afghanistan and so on and also attacks on Bengal part. There supremacy continued till the defeat at Panipat with Ahmed Shah Abdali.

In 1732 Guru Govind Singh left body but his martial and spiritual blended path Khalasa was another indigenous answer to the barbaric invaders.

In 1739 Nadir Shah attacked Delhi.

1737 to 1757 saw struggle between British and French which finally resulted in British winning the battle.

1760 Sikh power continued in Punjab. Till 1790s Hyder and Tipu fought from Mysore against British. Meanwhile in 1757 was battle of Plassey which decisively brought British rule in India. 

1800 to 1824 and then saw war with Nepal, Burma, and in 1848 Anglo Afgan war..all helping the ruthless colonial reign of British ( then East India Company ) this continued upto 1878 -80. In 1885 AD Burma was annexed.

Raja ram Mohan Roy ( 1772-1833 )  Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884) started and led Brahmo Samaj movement which tried to reform Indian society looking probably through foreign eyes, negation of roots and adapting of good things from the west. Swami Dayanand Saraswati (1824-1883) started Arya Samaj to bring back glory of the Vedas. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 1820-1891 was another luminary of reformers. Mahadev Govind Ranade ( 1842 to 1901 ) Lokmanya Tilak (23 July 1856 – 1 August 1920) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (9 May 1866 – 19 February 1915) were some of other leaders of the time.

However, the epoch making avatara was a seemingly uneducated priest Gadadhar Chattopadhaya later known as Sri Ramakrishna (18 February 1836 – 16 August 1886)

In 1857 was fought first war of Independence under Rani Lakshmibai,  Bahadurshah Jafar, Delhi ruler, Tatya tope, Peshwa and many others and the flame of Indian spirit regained momentum. In the following decade saw birth of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Sri Ramakrishna by then in his mid-age had been at the forefront of the renaissance.

In the words of Nolini Kanta Gupta the Romantic Revival, started at about the beginning of the nineteenth century, was another outstanding example of the phenomenon, we elaborate in section of 600 BC when individuals were nuclei of the great mass change in art , literature, religion and philosophy and that is because of the descent of light into human consciousness. ‘The light that descended into human consciousness at the time of the Renaissance captured the higher mind and intelligence— the Ray touched as it were the frontal lobe of the brain; the later descent touched the heart, the feelings and emotive sensibility, it evoked more vibrant, living and powerful perceptions, created varied and dynamic sense-complexes, new idealisms and aspirations. The manifestation of Power, the descent or inrush of force—mighty and terrible’   This is seen, recognized and experienced in the great French Revolution. Out of nowhere violence came and seized man and society: a change in the very character and even nature of man as the society had to be built upon other foundations and some other paradigm. It happened again in Russia.

‘In India, the movement that led her up to Independence was at a crucial moment a mighty evocation of both Light and Power. It had not perhaps initially the magnitude, the manifest scope or scale of either the Renaissance or the Great Revolutions we mention. But it carried a deeper import, its echo far-reaching into the future of humanity. For it meant nothing less than the spiritual awakening of India and therefore the spiritual regeneration of the whole world: it is the harbinger of the new epoch in human civilization.’ (Nolini Kanta Gupta)


In 1863 Swami Vivekananda was born. In 1872 Sri Aurobindo was born. In 1878 The Mother was born.

In November 1884 when Sri Ramkrishna met Swami Vivekananda met at the house of Surendra Nath Mitra, Sri Ramakrishna asked Narendranath later world moving Swami Vivekananda to sing. He  invited him to Dakshineswar.

Sri Aurobindo interpreted rise of Vivekananda as

‘It was in religion first that the soul of India awoke and triumphed, there were always indications, always forerunners, but it was when a flower of educated youth of Calcutta bowed down at the feet of a uneducated Hindu ascetic, a self-illumined ecstatic,  and mystic without a single trace or touch of the alien thought or education upon him that the battle was won.’

His going forth into the world marked by the master  as a heroic soul, destined to take the world in both his hands and change it was the first visible sign to the world that India is awake not only to survive but to conquer.

"Vivekananda was a soul of puissance if ever there was one," said Sri Aurobindo talking of leaven, a power of unformed stir and ferment out of which forms must result, great souls and great influences who live on in the soul of India, "a very lion among men, but the definite work he has left behind is quite incommensurate with our impression of his creative might and energy. We perceive his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, up heaving that has entered the soul of India and we say, 'Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children.'" Sri Aurobindo concluded with the remark: "So it is with all. Not only are the men greater than their definite works, but their influence is so wide and formless that it has little relation to any formal work that they have left behind them."

Sri Aurobindo, "A people emasculated, kept ignorant, out of the world's life, poor, intimidated, abjectly under the thumb of the police constable or the provincial prefect.... The nation which has passed through a century of such a misgovernment must necessarily have degenerated. The bureaucracy has taken care to destroy every centre of strength not subservient to itself. A nation politically disorganised, a nation morally corrupted, intellectually pauperised, physically broken and stunted is the result of a hundred years of British rule."

Swamiji to the self-repudiating Indians, "Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal foundations that are behind, and after that, look forward, march forward and make India brighter, greater, much higher than she ever was." He reminded that "our vigour, our strength, nay, our national life, is in our religion."


1885 was Formation of Indian National Congress. First session held at Bombay on 28th December attended by 72 delegates.

In 1893 was Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago speech which reasserted Vedanta as the only Universal religion and India as jagat guru. His voyages to America and Europe in following decade till 1902

After spending his intial childhood in England (1872 to 1888) and youth in Cambridge (1889-1892) Sri Aurobindo, after securing top position in leading exams and ICS exam and also being part of the freedom struggle groups there, returned to India in 1893 and served in Baroda from 1893 to 1906

From 1898 AD there was 200 years of Kali part of Dwapara i.e. till 2098 AD


In 1902 Swamiji left his body

In 1905 was partition of Bengal by Curzon.

1906 Muslim league founded at Dacca by Aga Khan the Nawab of Dacca and Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk.

1907 Congress spilt at Surat session where Congress split into two part-Moderates and Extremists. jahal / extremist and revolutionary movement led by Tilak and Sri Aurobindo

Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Sigh deported to Mandalay following riots in the canal colony of Punjab.

By 1908 Khudiram Bose was executed.

Tilak sentenced to six years imprisonment on charges of sedition.


By 1910, Sri Aurobindo retreats to Pondicherry after a year in Alipur jail and Uttarpara speech. Tilak passed away in 1920 and Gandhiji became leader of Indian freedom struggle.

1914 first world war and then in 40’s second war.

1919 was 3rd Afgan war and Afgan was declared free. This was also the year of Jalianwala massacre was the British.

The Mother comes to Pondicherry 1920 permanently. ( final arrival April 24 1920 )

Vishwa Bharati University started by Rabindranath Tagore in 1922

1926 Siddhi day when descent of Krishna into Sri Aurobindo’s body ( November 24)

1947 India got her freedom and also partition. Sri Aurobindo gave his five dreams and said partition has to go. India must lead Asia and the world with her spirituality.  In 1950 Sri Aurobindo left his body.

1955 Descent of Supramental Consciousness February 29

1956 Supramental entity possesses Mother September 12

1969 Descent of Superman consciousness

Mother’s Samadhi 1973

In 1993 onwards economic opening up Globalization,

2000 IT revolution and India takes front place as service provider.


2019 Current year



Then 400 years of Dwapara part of Dwapara till 2498 AD

Then 600 years of Treta part of Dwapara ascending ie till 3098 AD

And then 800 years of Satya part i.e. 3898 AD

Followed by 200 years of Sandhi kal making it 4098 AD




This will be followed by ascending Treta till 7698 AD ( adding 3600 years )  and ascending Satya till 12498 AD ( adding 4800 years )




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