9 Dec 2021

Evolution of Consciousness through ages in Indian spiritual history and culture with Her influence on the rest of the world:

Evolution of Consciousness through ages in Indian spiritual history and culture with Her influence on the rest of the world: 
Dr Narendra Joshi

The Time Spirit: Kal, the evolution of consciousness and the synchronous             movements of events and people in Time: 
The actual duration of yugas is still controversial. However, here we are taking the more human side of it to begin with. Any mathematical equation, geometric model or chronological way is insufficient to understand the zig zag, nonlinear and complex way in which Nature evolves. However, such model helps us to trace those lines and with new nonlinear mathematics and fractals it has become more feasible. Here the model of four yugas, expanding spiral, Fibonacci series and self-recursive patterns is combined to see that it seems to be fitting well in the known history of mankind and especially of India. This is also proved  scientifically by some enlightened yogis like Sri Yukteshwar Giri in his famous work The Holy Science and endorsed by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev recently. The approximate length of yugas is mentioned to be as follows: 
• Satya Yuga—4800 years 
• Treta Yuga—3600 years 
• Dvapara Yuga—2400 years 
• Kali Yuga—1200 years  
and rise above. This we know is a Fibonacci series in mathematics and is having a golden ratio Phi of 1.618 which is repeated from tiny shell design to the mighty galaxies. This repetition of same pattern or design from atom to galaxies from shell to human to trees to galaxies is Indian genius of saying that microcosm and macrocosm are one, Yat pinde tat Brahmande.   
Now there is also a chronology as given in Puranas and endorsed by some scholars as follows: 
Satya Yuga = 4800 × 360
Treta Yuga = 3600 × 360
Dvapara Yuga = 2400×360
 Kali Yuga = 1200 × 360 
Thus the Kali Yuga would last for roughly 438,000 years after the end of the Dwapara Yuga (3102 BCE). This is also possible as each human year was multiplied by 365 for getting a Divine year. There is no debate in the two as one is smaller pattern and other larger pattern of the same self-recursive pattern repeating itself infinitely. The value of 24,000 years fits to the modern astronomical calculation of one full precession of the equinox, which takes 25,772 years.  
The 4 Yugas together constitute 1 Maha Yuga (Chatur Yuga) =  43,20,000 years (4.32 million years) 
1,000 such Maha Yugas (i.e 4.32 million years X 1,000) = 43,20,000,000 years (4.32 billion years) makes 1 KALPA or “1 day of Brahma” and Each Kalpa is divided into 14 Manvantaras with each Manvantara headed by a Manu. Each Manvantara consists of 71.4 Chatur Yugas. 14 such Manvantara cycles adds up to 1 Kalpa. Adding a 4.32 billion years  “night of Brahma” gives a total of 8.64 billion years (which is very close to the modern scientific belief of earth age of 7.5 to 8 billion. The oldest rocks on Earth found to date are the Acasta Gneiss in northwestern Canada which are 4.03 billion years old. The rocks older than 3.5 billion years are found in all continents including India ….. 
levels n layers which we visit in dreams or in deep sleep and retract after death but yogi is able to see them all as real and explain them.  

“There is a physical world, a vital world, a mental world, a psychic world, and many 
spiritual worlds, a whole range of more and more subtle worlds approaching nearer and nearer to the Supreme. So, since you carry within yourself a corresponding range, by studying and becoming aware of your inner being you gradually make yourself capable of becoming aware also  
 of these invisible worlds. For example, the 
mind: if the mind is conscious, coordinated, well controlled, it can move about it in the mental world just as the body does in the physical world and see what this mental world is like, what is going on there, what are its characteristics and so on. These things are not invisible in themselves − they are invisible to the physical consciousness and the physical senses, but not to the corresponding inner states of consciousness or the corresponding inner senses. For, by a systematic development one can acquire senses in these worlds and one can then live a similar life with different characteristics. I mean that one can live an objective life in these worlds if one is sufficiently developed 


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