25 Dec 2016

Artificial intelligence in the wake of new philosophy

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and its underlying philosophy is dominating our lives. It aims to make computers and robots which have mind, life and consciousness. With its impressive successes on one side and glaring failures on the other, with its basic reductionist and materialistic model of the human being, AI needs radical rethinking. With the advent of the new physics, especially Quantum physics and Relativity, emerged a holistic paradigm with an emphasis on unified theory and interrelatedness, which became a possible solution. However, its initial applications to AI are still struggling and this has necessitated a rethinking of the entire issue from a different perspective.
  • The idea of the unity of existence and the divine nature of the human being has its origin in the ancient Vedas. It was reiterated by sages all over the world, however, Sri Aurobindo’s works are important to get a detailed rational analysis of the subject. The ideal of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is spiritualizing matter and materializing spirit. A deeper study of his works can give important inputs to AI. Especially, his insights into concepts like matter, evolution, epistemology, and about the nature of mind, life, body, and consciousness are important. Science and especially its applications such as AI are at such a point in their progress that they have reached a summit of mental knowledge which can be used positively or negatively. Unless AI philosophers use this knowledge as a springboard to leap beyond, it will probably serve the interests of man’s lower desires and superficial mental parts of the individual and society. Basic research as well as applications in AI need a deeper study of the human psyche and consciousness. It is important that an interdisciplinary research should be done on this important subject to provide useful leads to its emerging trends. 

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