29 Nov 2021

PUNARUTTHAN OF ASHWATTHA : The possible key to the multidimensional crisis of humanity

We talk of reestablishing the missing links between the culture of Northeast and the mainstream of Indian Culture, Changing the systems, sustainable development, technology with a human face, Ecology movements, Holistic way of life, Swadeshi, Practical Vedanta, Practical patriotism, paradigm shift, Third way or Third wave or Powershift, Preservation of Culture, Cultural Renaissance of India, India's Rebirth, and so many things: But all these things are not different, not compartmentalised. They are different expressions of the same One. And whether we like the word or not, whether we have courage or freedom or strategy to say so or not, whether there is any better or more accurate or more acceptable word or not it is an eternal and simple truth: that One is,'Hindutva.' It is needless to repeat that the present model of Development, the Western way of solving the problems of life, their much boasted machinery and social, economic, political, religious institutions and systems have failed miserably, They themselves are aware of this and few have courage to accept and even declare it. We, the people of India are confused, tortured, divided and alienated by the blind imitation of the West, have now started to find the new way, the new paradigm, new systems. But few have the clarity and direction to see that the new way is in fact the same, eternal Indian way. Paradigm shift insists on the finding of a view, of life which will be better than Mechanistic, Cartesian, Newtonian view (the view which gave birth to industrialism, Capitalism and also Communism: all of which have proved insufficient for fulfilling the dream of maximum happiness of maximum people.) To find a new system in all walks of life: Education, Economics, Politics, etc. Dr. FritjofCapra in his 'Turning point' says that we must go beyond the questions toanswer the whole framework. He coins another term for the new paradigm: the Systems view of life.'The new vision of reality we are talking about is based on the awareness of the essential interrelatednessof psychological, social and cultural. It transcends current boundaries. The true happiness is our aim and that according to Sri Aurobindo is possible by finding and maintaining the key to the harmony among the hands, heart, head and soul. That is the work of a culture. And these ideas are giving birth to the systems and institutions which can simplify, regularise, systematise and transmit these ideas, these keys to the true happiness, to the large sections of the society. They ensure the preserving of those ideas, and thus transmit whatever portion of that is possible to the following generations. They are expected to mould a particular type of mind, the mind that is considered as ideal by that culture, the mind which tunes with the mission ofthe race. Each Nation is a receptacle of an idea, each individual is also a receptacle of an idea. That iswhythere isso much diversity. ItisforAnandathat theworld exists. It is for the joy of self expression. Every new idea is the means ofselfexpression. That is why, the whole Western experiment of steamrollering diversity is disastrous and never approved by lndian Culture. Though there is variation in individual to individual, group to group, and area to area, still a section or the root of themind is same for the whole Nation, for the whole race.

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