29 Nov 2021

…then who cares for failures and who cares for success!!

There are some delicate issues where a balance is essential between theory and reality. We are for the smaller and autonomous states and districts. That is an Indian ideal for that ensures highest growth of the men. It was golden period of Indian History when she was having no centralized powerful rule but was having large number of smaller kingdoms and Janapadas. However, demand for smaller states may be based on electoral interests and separatist demands especially in the border areas. We, the Indians have always given highest priority to the freedom of thought and creative expression , but if that is used only to fondle with the images worshipped by the majority, while none has the courage to even think about doing these things with minority. (e.g. nude images of Saraswati or printing Sri Ram’s image on shoes ) then the question is much deeper than just freedomof expression and artistic liberty. If certain places of worship are becoming hiding places for terrorists, ifthe idea of the sanctity of gods and their places of worship is limited only for the minority, then the whole idea of such selective secularism must be challenged. India never felt shy of accepting life in its totality. That is why even the images of romance and sex were used to explain the abstract Spiritual truths. It even did the most dangerous experiment of giving it a place in the temples of god.Those who are ceaselessly pursuing the Truth are bound to try all the channels, do all the experiments, without caring for criticism or appreciation, irrespective ofsuccess and failures. They understood that there was a specific place for everything, a specific time for everything, a specific way for everything. Each is great in its own place.We need perhaps an approach which will be earthy as well as lofty. Both lofty as well as earthy streams are from the same eternalSanatanaDharma of this great nation where goddesses of wisdom, wealth, compassion, Fear, Power, Forgiveness are worshipped as different facets of the Mother. Where Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vamana, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki are all just avatar, incarnations of the same Purushottama. It is equally true that these firstaids and patchworks, hitting the partsand cutting thebranches will not last for long. We cannot achieve the right things through the wrong institutions, through the wrongways, through the men who are products of wrong institutions. By using the methods of ouropponents, we have come to a stage where it is difficult to distinguish between them and us, we are not even able to justify why we are fighting with them. And therefore this two pronged approach demands utmost monitoring and care by the Rishis andVibhutis in the society. That is why there is Vibhuti, rishi at the top in organization as per Indian culture. Rishi would even scold king, in a certain ritual would jokingly hit a rod on king’s head saying, it is dharma not you who is supreme.That is the significance of Krishna being at the top of the pyramid of cowherds. And that is why, India insisted that behind every Shivaji there is Ramdas, behind every Harihar and Bukka, there is Vidyaranya, behind Arjuna there is Krishna. See the powerful imagery. The earthy Bhima listens to Yudhishthira, the incarnation of righteousness. Here the too straight, earthy, rigid and elder Balarama is finally in control of the situational leadership of younger, much more complex and yet sweet divine SriKrishna. India must become Jagatguru, nothing short of it. Her light should again spread all over Asia, all over the world and lit the lives of depressed and oppressed billions. The seers like Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have seen it. Ifthese experiments cannot be done in India, it cannot be done elsewhere. A complete paradigm shift, the true cultural renaissance, MotherIndia becoming Jagatguru, sitting on her ancient throne, more glorious than ever before is our aim, nothing short of it. This will need hundreds of men with capital M. : to experiment in different ways, in different places , with whatever side of the Truth is close to them, and with whatever ray of the Light theycan get. 'It is surely going to succeed, because freedom, unity and greatness of India have now become necessary for the world. God is with us, humanity needs us and in that confidence we work.And when the Mother has put her hand on our head, when Shiva has started raising his leg from the ground and when Parthasarathi is showing us the path, …

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