6 Dec 2021

Indian ethos in Management from the Upanishads and the Bhagwad Geeta

Key issues for an individual

•       Who am I… identity crisis……Aham Brahmasmi, So aham, Tatwamasi

•       Values , Ethics, morality……..How an Individual should behave and live   … Shastra, Aaptavakya, Vidhivat . Do’s and don’ts/ ………  Yama and Niyama 

•       Duties as per role … Dharma  Swadharma, Kuldharma…Yugadharma

•       Why should I work    …..…   Karmayoga    Nimittamatram bhav

•       Motivation theories…. Up to Self actualization

•       Purpose of life for an individual… Prerana.. Etad deshe prasrutasya

•       Shrunvantu Vishwe Amrutasya Putraha

•       Vision or goal setting … Krunvantu  Vishwam Aryam

 How can I improve myself

•       Goal setting …          Atha ken upayen…

•       Time management …     Kalo gacchti dhimatam

•       Stress management …     Shanai Shanai

•       Peace , Surrender, let go…      Sarva dharman parityajja

•       Housekeeping… place for everything and everything in place          

•       Personality development…      Swabhav niyatam karma, Swadharme nidhanam shreya

•       Planning and achieving a objective.. Uttishtat jagrat

Key issues for an organization

•       How group is to be formed … Human unity…aggregate forming

•       How group should perform..co-ordinate

•       Balancing between good of individual versus good of majority

•       Good of as many as possible for as much time as possible

Way an organization functions

•       Vision and goal setting for group

•       Relation of a group with other groups

•       Formation of larger groups by dissolving or accommodating smaller group

•       Leadership … types and situational leaders 

•       Manager versus leader      

•       Nature of organization…  Holisitic , Organic

•       Hierarchy versus flat

•        Rigid versus flexible

•       Open versus close

•       Collaborative versus compartmentalized 

•       Models from Indian traditions: Rathanabhi, Madhukosha, \

Some key techniques

•       Creativity and Innovation : for individual and organization    Srijan,  Srishti, Utkranti

•       Individual life Cycle management and Product Life Cycle management   Kalay Tasmai namaha

•       Waste management     na mulam aushdham na asti

•       Lean Production management   Just In time        Aparigrah, Satoshat anupam sukhalabhaha

•       Total Quality management  … Aaamulagra

•       Employee involvement    Bahunameni prathamo

•       Kaizen      Charaiveti Charaiveti

Going beyond an organization

•       Role of culture…

•       Collective consciousness and unconsciousness

•       History

•       Shared values and beliefs

•       Changing forms and not spirit

•       An Organization and an institution is just a part of a culture

•       Leaders are to give new forms as per time

•       Yugadharma


Some Gems from Bhagwat Gita

•       Klaibyam ma asma gam parth…

•       Ashochananva shochstvam…

•       Punitive  and  strong against lethargic, doubting dociles

•       Pretentious people lament over trivial to hide their weaknesses


•       Yogashema Vahamyaham 

•       Gatirbharta prabhuhu shashiniwas

•       Paritranaya Sadhunam

•       Assuring security, care and welfare for those who are sincere

•       Situational leadership


•       Dynanagni dagdha karmanam

•       When work is heated in knowledge (generated by tapas … penance and is done with understanding and contribution mental,) it is enriching work for you and others


•       Matta parataram na anyat kinchidasti Dhananjaya

•       Common thread of wisdom and vision joins all

•       God is in all and all is in God 


•       Yad eicchesi tatha kuru

•       Having educated you with all knowledge, now you are empowered to find your own path of action.


•       Sarvabhutastha atmanam sarvabhutani chatmani

•       Treat all as equals for all have same Divine spark within


•       Tatviddhi pranipaten pariprashnen sevaya

•       Approach, serve and learn from elders


•       Yatra Yogeshwar Krishna…

•       Wisdom plus action, plan plus execution, direction plus dynamism, …this is the winning combination

•       Magnanimous in vision

•       Meticulous in execution


•       Mam vartmanu vartante…

•       Loksamgrahame vapi

•       Lead by example

•       I work for else all will stop working


•       Ishtanbhoganhi vo deva dasyante yadnyabhavitaha

•       Spirit of sacrifice and renunciation profit sharing and societal obligation


•       Na hi jnanen sadrusham pavitram edam uttamam  …..

•       Knoweldge is pious , it is real wealth and goal


•       Tulyninda stutirmauni santushto yenken chit

•       Equanimity to pleasure and pain, to appreciation and abuse.. Sign of self actualized person.


•       Bijam ma sarva bhutanam rasoham vapsu Kaunteya….

•       Excellence and Quality are intangible essence flowing through everything


•       Vyavasayatmika buddhi ekeha kurunandan

•       Concentrate, focus single mindedness


•       Swadhrme nidhnam shreyaha

•       … Stick to your innate nature and core competencies, imitation is fatal


•       Parasparam bhavayantaha shreya param vapsyatha … 

•       mutually win win situations to be sought


•       Yo madbhakta same priya

              Quality people with dedication should be favored and will be rewarded beyond limits


•       Anek bahu darvakra netra… Vishwarupra

•       Organic organization, Systems view of life


•       Yat karosi Yat juhosi, yad ashnasi dadasi tat

•       Flexible organization

•       Structure follows strategy

•       Strategy follows Dharma… individual and collective

•       Tasmat Uttishta Yasho labhasva

•       ( because the aim is noble and selfless and mission ordained by dharma , so ) get up, get going and win it.


•       Jitva bhukshe mahim

•       Winning will give empire of the earth, loosing that of heaven

•       It matters not whether you win or lose, it is the right effort which matters


•       Karmanye va dhikarste ma phaleshu kadachan

•       To work is your right not to crave for fruits..


•       Yogaha karmasu kaushlam

•       Yoga is skill in action

•       No sloppiness, shoddiness, pride in workmanship


•       Ma te sangostwa karmani

•       Effort is must, bias for action


•       Samattwam Yoga Ucchate

•       Equanmity, balance and moderation is Yoga

•       Aatmeiva atmano bandhuhu

•       Aatmaeva ripuratmanam

•       You are your best friend, youir worst enemy, no blamegame. You can do anything in futureMatta parataram na anyat

•       Take responsibility, the buck stops here.

•       Dharamsamsthapanarthay sambhavami yuge yuge

•       Aim is not just momemtary name, fame and wealth, it is to reinterpret and to reestablish righteousness, the law of the Divine.

•       He is doing it through us and will come again and again on the earth to do so.



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