A lighthouse for India and the world of today and
Dr. Narendra Joshi
The word management as it is prevalent in modern times is
considered synonymous with the art and
science of optimum utilization of men, materials, machines, methods and money to
mimimize cost, time and efforts and maximize quality as well as output. The aim
is perpetually the same throughout the long history of the entire mankind but
the means are largely limited to those understood, proclaimed and supposedly practiced post industrial revolution by
western nations,
especially by
Europe and US and then blindly aped by the rest of the world. The
nations which is still struggling to
‘decolonize’ themselves. The word economics is also seen only with reference to
the works during last couple of centuries by some thinkers while thinking on
questions like how there can be maximum well being of maximum number of people
with unlimited wants and limited resources by optimum creation, use and
distribution of wealth. The science and growth of
Economics as a branch of knowledge
is attributed to Adam Smith and his work ‘The Wealth of Nations.’ which came in last decades of 18th
century. In the second half of 19th
century we see a rise of the
subject of ‘Management’ esp. Scientific management, also called as Fordism and Taylorism
through the works of F W. Taylor, Ford
and Gilbreth.
What was this western idea of rational
management or scientific management? Even after industrial revolution when
industries were busy extracting mineral wealth, processing it and making usable
marketable products of need and luxuries, the whole process was very haphazard
and there was no application of reason to the process. Taylor was particular to
use scientific method of analysis, classification, experimentation and
deduction to an industrial set up. He asserted that each job should be defined,
and also time needed for it, there must be a fair day’s work decided for each
person. There has to be standardization. Ford brought with his famous assembly
line idea that each person should do only smaller part of the whole work
repeatedly and that will build his skill, increase speed and the whole product
can be ready in lesser time. Gilbreth couple worked tirelessly to find micro
elements of each motions and found standard time to complete a specified job by
a qualified worker.
Indeed all these persons were great
thinkers and men of heroic mould who pulled the society from infrarational,
conventional and unscientific chaos to the well ordered structured and
systematized work in industry, in society and in national plans. In the Human
cycle there are stages like Infrarational, Rational and Suprarational. We can
say that the era of Taylor and Smith was natural application of the dawn of
scientific revolution which brought in the age of reason. The age when Newtonian,
Cartesian, Baconian and above all Descartein thought of reductionism and
materialism ruled the world. Reason was used to its highest possibilities in
the decades to follow till the beginning of 20th century. This was
indeed great turn in human history else the organized but faith based
irrational religion on one side and the autocratic and exploitative rulers
..both rulers in state polity and in industry had reduced human beings to
unthinking, irrational slaves and subjects.
The problem persists:
However, the solutions they provided were
thought of and rationalized from the level of mind. They were far from the
higher truths or the Ultimate truth. A great awaken-er for societies in Tamas
or slumber, a dire need of that time but not a long term solution to the basic
objective of human well being. However every prism ( an outcome of human mind )
ultimately becomes a prison ( another bondage and limitation )! As a part of
Eurocentricism, a product of the arrogant power driven ‘Columbus within’ or ‘The
White Man’s burden’ it bulldozed the native systems of most of the third world nations. Such was
the inertia and slavish mentality of the neo educated classes of the pre
independent nations like India that they were more than eager to adapt the
European model as the great saviour in education, polity, sociology and so on. Unfortunately
after independence Indian industries were made to follow the model of Western
management. India economy was subjected to European ideas and standards. It is
ironical that India in spite of her much
longer history, not just longer in time but greater in substance, clearer in
motive and outstanding in the final aim of it, had to become a docile pupil of
the West and repeat the failed experiments of western management and economy
for the past 70 years.
Ironically Indian civilization is not just
existing but even shining since more than five thousand years. It is illogical
to suppose that a culture which can be at a pinnacle of glory in material,
mental and spiritual pursuits, a lighthouse to rest of the humanity, was having
no sound foundation in Management and Economics. That it had no worthwhile
contribution to the world thought in the fields of human knowledge like
Management, Business and Economy and its unparallelled prowess in trade,
business and exports and its top
rankings in world GDP share for several
centuries was mere accidental, a fluke
or a myth.
The Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) figures for India since
the beginning of the
Common Era (CE) show very clearly the
economic performance of India. Angus Maddison, anoted Economic researcher has provided
these details and his
works areextremely imporatnt to show perhaps for
the first time that the blinded eye of Columbus has done much harm to the colonised
nations in destroying thier centuries old economic prowess in world economies.
See the following statistics for example :
At the beginning of the 0 AD
Total GDP of the
world $102.5 billions.
India was
the largest contributor to the
global GDP $33.75 billions.
was following India with $26.82 billions.
Africa's contribution was $7.01 billions,
while that of Japan
was $1.2 billions.
That means India’s share of world
GDP was
32.9 per cent almost 2007 years earlier.
(Indian Models of Economy,
Business and Management (Bible) Paperback – 2012 by Kanagasabapathi P (Author)
From the massive 32.9 % the share fell down miserably
to single digit and almost nowhere after British rule gripped India and
destroyed the beautiful Indian model of Economy and Management
Even after independence it could not rise up
substantially for few decades as shown below:
Post-Independence Reform Period
1900-1950 |
1950-1980 |
1981-1990 |
1991-2000 |
GDP growth |
0.8 |
3.5 |
5.6 |
6.2 |
Per capita
growth |
0 |
1.3 |
3.5 |
4.4 |
1900-1990: Angus Maddison (1995), Monitoring the World Economy, 1820-1992
(Paris:OECD); 1990-2000: World Bank/IMF.
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