6 Dec 2021

The Indian integral model of Management and Economics through agesSome points for discussion..

The Indian integral model of Management and Economics through ages

Some points for discussion...

Part 1: The Eternal Ever Creating endeavour

1.     Ancient India’s  most original, indigenous and integral system of management: From symbolic, Typal to Conventional age

a)     As seen In The Vedas and The Upanishads

b)     In Puranas, Shastras, Niti and popular literature

c)     India’s own model of integral management:  integrating  individual internally with his own self and externally  with his aggregates.

d)     India’s journey of  management thought from Symbolic age to Typal, Individual and  Spiritual age

e)     An overview of India’s contribution to the world thought and culture: not only in philosophy but in Business and Management 

2.     Indian management systems seen in practice in the ancient and medieval history of India:  From Typal, Conventional to Individual and Spiritual age

a)     Examples in statesmanship, polity and social structures

b)     In trade and business excellence

c)     The  decentralised village level democracy and Varnashrama  system : the spinal column of Her eternal glory

d)     The Indian `we’ model excelling in psychological, sociological, ecological and spiritual needs of mankind

e)     The inevitable period of decline following  stupendous age of vitality and creativity.

Part 2: The Present Cycle:

3.     The systematic destruction of Indian management systems by colonial 


Era of Indian Cycle on downturn coinciding with rise of a human cycle in Europe

a)     The reductionist, individualised, industrialised and materialistic model imposed to spread colonial rule

b)     Indian business, textiles, trade, crafts paralysed. Our specialities, expressions and  skills crushed and killed

c)     Substitution by mass produced eco disastrous products of industrialization and subsequent loss of culture and identity

d)     Unfortunate era of post- independence   wasted in aping Western model of management and development.


4.     The western era of management: the recent cycle  from Typal, Conventional to Individual age

a)     The chaos of middle age based on random use of men and machines

b)     Scientific management

c)     Its counterbalance by human factor brought in

d)     Mental age / Age of reason and individual : growth of industries Productivity and efficiency : the pick of their achievements and contribution to evolution of Humanity

e)     The colonisation of the model to Asia and other parts of the world.

Overview of management history till today including the expression of Modern Global Management (US, European, Japanese and Russian School of Management):Strategic Management Aspects, Sales and Marketing Aspects, Finance and Costing Aspects, Operations & Supply Chain Management Aspects, Theory of Constraints, Quality Management Aspects, Human Resources Management Aspects, Legal and Compliance Management Aspects, Environment and Sustainability Aspects, Analytics and Knowledge Management

5.     The imposition, imitation and own reactions or assimilation by India and Asia in general: India and Asia prepare for next ascent of cycle

a)     Asia attempting to imbibe the model in its own way: Quality revolution in Japan.

b)     The early Businesses and entrepreneurs in India

c)     The glaring deficiencies of the model highlighted by wars, revolutions, social unrest and economic recessions showing  insufficiency as a solution or panacea for mankind

d)     Rise of China, Korea and other nations in business

e)     Indian traditional systems still sustaining : thriving economy and growth story of India

f)      Indian cultural system still valid in small medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, family businesses, skill industry and arts and crafts.

g)     Leading thinkers, Management gurus and business heads leading to India management story.

h)     The four powers: Wisdom, Strength, Harmony, Perfection. 

Part 3: The Evolutionary Crisis

6.     The evolutionary crisis today in Indian business and in the world : the end of the curve of reason and the signs of subjective and spiritual age:

a)     The new physics and paradigm bringing era of new challenges-9

b)     Unmanageably  huge structures and massification challenged

c)     The new cycle of individuals and then subjective age.

d)     Prosumers, customization, lateral thinking,  IT enabled  infoage, Coolaborative design and flat organizations, The Chaos, and complexity.

e)     AI and VR revolution, Genomes and singularity come as prevading possibilities of future in management

f)      The search for Suprarational Good and Suprarational Beauty

g)     Turn to the spiritual age: the early signs

h)     Sri Aurobindo’s vision of the future: India’s way of Integral management by consciousness:



7.    Sri Aurobindo’s integral thought on Management: The excerpts from

a)     The Human Cycle and The Ideal of Human Unity: The cycle of society

b)     The Life Divine

c)     The Foundations of Indian Culture

d)     The Mother

e)     The four Powers: Wisdom, Strength, Harmony and Perfection

f)      The ideal of five sheath person and spiritual  leader: Rajarshi

g)     Sri Aurobindo’s Evolution of Consciousness Approach: Synthesis: Comparative tabulation of Management, Sri Aurobindo’s words and gems from Indian Scriptures

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