The five stages of The Human Cycle are the
psychological stages and for social growth. They cannot be applied for any
human expression. Like literature, art,
sculpture, politics, management, etc. All forms which have soul touch will
remain and all those which need new formation based on same eternal idea and
soul will be transformed, but it is not easy to pre decide that as the Cycle
progresses from rational age to true subjectivity and to Spiritual age. Thus
the paradigm has to be different: that can be devolution which itself is
evolution. From higher to lower, from one to many which is not a fall but
necessary method for gathering riches even in its downward turn. In Vedic times it could be only 24
rishies but then in later times it had to be taken to masses. In architecture,
temples and sculptures there is a pinnacle already achieved, inspired creations
since last 2000 years, so is the case with music. In temple there are layers like
stone boulder, vegetable , animal, birds images, then human images, followed by
superhuman layers like gandharvas, yakshas and then Gods. This is ascending
evolution. Thus all these expressions grew from physical, vital, mental to
supramental and spiritual layers. So
what is meant by further development in subjective age…that’s is not the case
here, here the same perfection needs to be massified, made available,
experienced and created by each one. Some expressions started earlier and were
left. Now they need to be taken up again and elevated and perfected. In the
integral view as mental is crossed vital and physical are not just transcended
but also transformed. There is no negation.
Even in fall it gathered riches
Himalaya is not just purity of heaven, it
is also the richness of the earth of
Gangetic planes. So the Divine is not just purity but also richness.
That is why Sri Aurobindo was all for emphasis on Matter’s perfection.
Transformation of matter. We had long history, large empires, and its pinnacle
around 8th to 9th Century AD. It was a very happy
civilization, but happy in mind andin Ideas, but not in action or in life. That
perfection of materialising what was conceived so well was not done to the
perfection or completion. The growth had a lacuna, it lost touch with the
matter in last 1000 years, with earth while grew up in sphoradic. India not unilinear parameter it is a complex
multilinear parameters in different ways working at a time. Ideally the next
stage was Supramental but for that Matter was not ready, it is still not
Sushrut in surgery, Astrology..etc reached
the pinnacle of mind but in mind only not really in matter. It brought no
change in the lives of the masses.
So now when the science technology has
developed and matter is getting more and more subtle, miniaturised, intelligent
and is perfected for the descent of the higher power. Material life also has
claim to the Divine Life. Invaders and the wars, terrorism and unrest,
exploitation od destruction, all had a divine intent.
India withdrew her soul preparing for the
greater outburst.
Sri Ramakrishna Avatar
Swami Vivekananda Vibhuti
Sri Aurobindo Avatar
The contact with western world gave us this
material contact, now it is again taking those riches and going up. The new
ascent will be with the new matter and new material consciousness.
For example: visual expressions were
perfected in stone in ancient times. The diff was while in Greek and Roman it
was external getting replicated and perfected , in India it had a deeper spiritual origin and then taking
form of external, at time as per nature and at times even defying the external
nature and anatomy, it clinged to the root of spiritual quest. Then came a time
when more fluid and more flexible media was needed so painting was replacing
sculptures, it lost some thing on the process and gained something. It became
more mental and shastra replaced the essence and soul in the time which
followed. Then it became only intricate and bewildering but more of repetition
of older ideas and symbols. … less of the original intutitive. Then over a period of time, it lost the
vigour. IN Western contact came realism which was from Greek ideal of mimicking nature as it is..
as a counter argument was surrealism which made unconscious prominent. However,
with lndustrial revolution, art as a whole took backseat and gross geometrical
shapes, vulgar emphasis of sense gratification and utilitarianism was rampant. It lost much in
this but also gained many things: namely massification and easy availability of
arts to all and use of more artificial imagination and illustration means, as well as tremendous
development in matter, making it more subtle, responsive,
combinative,,,development of ceramics, composites, new alloys and manufacturing
techniques. Etc.
10 -9 nano material, space, cryogenic
materials, Simulation, Computer aided design, etc. Similar is the case in
music. Now ragas are same but
instruments can be smaller, new, in pocket or mobile, material used is advanced,
memories are enhanced, mixing and new ideation is possible. Modulation,
modification, is all easy due to advances in physical sciences of sound and
Continued on
doc on oppo mobile.
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new consciousness needs new forms.
simularly in music.
scholars can see indicatuon of goingnup.and
points of intersectuon, overlapping curves
Nd so on.
whether there are smaller cycles or. urves
which are part of larger
curves and cycles is to be seen
they have to put in their own works of specialization. There will be a common part for all which N will put down in
his work.
This is now our research methodology.
the smaller or superimoosed curves ir
cycles of pendulum movement can be pravritti nivritti or miNism of matter and
monism of spirit.
inner outer, going forth and retracting and
transcend and transform etc.
there is movement to matter
to.multplication, decolution and evolution.
all have mobile today and all.know ragas.
Mobile was made for Vedas to reach masses**
Matter and technoLogy are channels vehicles
for getring to sukshma or subtle.
This is the skeleton or template and
all.have to follow it. Even for new experts we can provide a che klist ir
template based on this. The schilars have ro disciver the points as in the
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A true Happiness lies kn findinf the key to
harmony of head, heart and hand. a culture is ....civilization is .....
We in the last cycle of India had perfected
head and heart but missed hands.
head ..mind...mundane arts, sciences,
shastra, religion pilosophy,psychoLogy
hand...body....kmplementation in sociology,
polity, economy, mgt, admin, law, trading, defence, infra, welfare, dev, policy
plan implement control, strategy.
heart....soul....spiritual philo literature
so iety was open.minded and wehad beautiful
ideals and new ideas given so well. We
wre great in mind ansoul.but suffered in body.e implementing ,
no religion is as vast and generous as
hindu dharma
no society trampled.on poor and common as
Hindu society...SV
That is why there were invasions.
everythinvnin luding invasions had a role
now physical is more conscious. smart,
new consciousness is brought.
once we strengthen our body and perfect the
matter, we will be the first to ascend in the higher curve.
because heart and head is ready, only hands
are needed.
Swamiji was vibuti.means he was to declare
message of some avatara or to prepare for xoming of some avatara..he did both.
This now explains why Swamiji emphasized on
marriage of micro.and macro.cosm, east and west, science and spirituality, a
body of muslim and head and heart of hindu, talked of daridridevo bhav,
murkhdevo bhav, he told.thr next india will be from.forrsts and mountains and
from blacksmiths harp, cobblers needle
and .weavers loom, ...hammer and so on,
What is transformjng matter? it is not
immortality of thr body. It is immortality in thr body.
Science says we will live for 1000 years
but that is not the aim. Consciousness should enter the matter and jada to be vidvat
matter now is revealed is only vibration.
this solidmatter is not the truth and it is only energy, some eevents and
vibratiins if subatomuc particles...this vibration is Brahman. Sri Aurkbindo
also saud that what we think of matter is not the ultimate reality it is
consciousness. irln rod is heated and it becomes changes form and
property as well. it is more responsive malleable. ut is this paradox of jadata
or inerria bein just the outer coverof a much different stuff inside and
transformable on treatment. Thus it can yame many forms as per.manybtreatments
similarly true
consciousnes has taken present form of a body, now for future it may not need
body or this type of body, it cN take mor3 conhinial form for further can be of more light, can be luminous. Can be more luminous and
yellow or golden in colour.
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